Twitter, social networking and micro-blogging service, has taken the marketing world by storm. Whenever you scour, wherever you search, everybody is sending tweets and is tweeting.
With over 105 million users on Twitter, 300,000 sign ups daily and 55 million tweets a day, the site is making remarkable growth. Is it worth the time and effort to get engaged in Twitter?
Twitter is a great way to drive traffic to your content and create an impact online instantly. Here are few tips to dominate Twitter and become popular.

Follow People: - Now when you have created profile, it is the time to start following people which simply means receiving their Twitter updates. Following people enables you build a community with similar interest. You can increase your business network effectively by following people on this amazing social medium.
Start Conversation: - Read tweets on your board and reply if it interests you. For instance, a person describes how he is going to carry out a meeting. You may then start conversation by replying with your innovative ideas. When someone asks something, do not hesitate to answer and reply confidently. After all social media is all about being social and it really works.
Do not Spam: - Do not spam by sending repeated messages to people or constantly direct message (DM) them with links.
Update your account daily: - As you have blended in the community, update your account daily if possible. Many Twitter users do not attain popularity due to inactivity. Let others know what’s going on with your life and soon you will be recognized.